Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Affirmations To Create and Implement Great Wealth, Success and Happiness With Positive Affirmations: Part II

It is very important that when one begins or wants to maintain positive affirmations that create and implement great wealth, success and happiness, that one writes their chosen affirmations down each day, or even types them, while always repeating them in their mind or stated aloud as often as possible. Repetitive actions with affirmations help the subconscious mind relate to the information most effectively. 
Maintaining affirmations in one’s mind can create the outcome desired more applicable. The only issue preventing desires from become reality is primarily, one not having the belief within their own mind the affirmations can actually assist them in achieving what they want. Secondly, it is due to one being consistent in practicing their affirmations.

Below, you’ll be able to refer to original affirmations to create and implement abundance of wealth, success, and overall happiness. Some were inspired and originally written by other individuals that were slightly altered, reworded and/or added to, as a result, all resources and sources are introduces within this post:
  • I am good enough
  • I can achieve anything I set my own mind to at any given moment I choose, because I hold the strength to achieving greatness in all I do.
  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the thing I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • God made me special and will guide me to obtaining an abundance of great wealth, good health and overall happiness I deserve, while offering me the wisdom give the same to others.
  • I am a lot stronger today than I was yesterday and will be even stronger tomorrow
  • I am a genius, creative, intuitive, driven, successful, lucky, financially wealthy, and overall, a happy and deserving person.
  • My life is abundant in all positive, inspiring, and uplifting ways
  • I know where I am headed to gain the successful outcomes I desire; all I need to do to attain my success is to put one foot in front of the other and it will be so.
  • I attract glorious wealth in all I do, easily and effortlessly.
  • Miraculous gifts are given to me through complete love, light, trust and faith
  • All I need to do to make miracles around me happen with abundance, is ask for them and to expect the miracles I ask for to happen.
  • Career opportunities are offered and guided directly to me each day, while each opportunity given is better than the last. Those career opportunities offer me a greater salary, with even greater success, than I have ever seen before or ever been able to imagine.

Think of positive affirmations for achieving abundance of wealth, success and happiness in terms of the best vacation you can ever imagine.

As a detailed example, let’s be on a vacation in the Bahamas, on the beach, next to the most blue, clear, warming ocean water ever seen. Visualize your feet touching the sand and the smoothness of the sand coming upon your feet and legs as you walk through it. Listen to the sounds around you such as, waves crashing onto the beach, while whispers of the gentle, calming breeze flow around your body and through your hair.

Now, you have a sort of euphoria never felt before, almost like you are able to do anything you set your mind to, because you have eliminated all the worry, doubts, fears, depression..all the negative thoughts and concerns you had before arriving at this blissful destination and now have been removed from the harsh realities to now be placed into an element of serenity.

The relief, the awareness of environmental aiding, the openness and welcoming nature helping you become “freed” of everything else in order to feel the necessary gratitude for this vacation is a reflection of all the negative inclinations being removed from your mind to help you see how wonderful life can be…that is what positive affirmations can also do for an individual.

Positive affirmations can remove feelings that were never wanted to begin with and replace them with emotions intended to feel and to help you see the bigger picture of life and the gifts it WILL give if the belief of possibilities is remembered…without ever being forgotten.

Resources and Sources Used For Portions Of Post:

Design, “Swimming Freely in the Ocean©” was Created/Copyright: Mandy Zadoorian

Products You Can Purchase Regarding ABUNDANCE - Click On Any Product (Picture Link) for Products Details

Abundance: A Novel of Marie Antoinette Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort of Joy Creative Abundance: Keys to Spiritual and Material Prosperity (Pocket Guide to Practical Spirituality) Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Sanaya Roman) Law of Attraction: Attract Abundance and Wealth Self Hypnosis Self Help Nlp 
Simple Abundance: Music of Comfort and Joy abundance Aveda By Aveda - Pure Abundance Volumizing Shampoo 33.8 Oz Aveda Pure Abundance Hair Potion 0.7oz *NEW SPRING 2011* Petunia Pickle Bottom Abundance Boxy Frolicking in Fez Attract Money In Abundance Subliminal CD

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Father Time said...

Superb as usual!

Father Time said...

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G YOU write is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!

Keep up the great work!

Many Blessings!
Father Time