Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life's Chaotic, But Everything Seems To Work Out

Life can be quite chaotic and more than just chaotic, it can be so much more that I can't even think of a word for right now, so I guess it would be best suited to say life can leave one quite speechless at times; however, even when life seems to tug and pull at us, we fight back. More so, life seems to work out and help produce miracles at those times when we feel we need them most and occur unexpectedly at that.

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Miracles happen to those who are welcoming of them. Most don't even stop to think about what exists in life regarding miracles they have already been blessed with.
Think about your life each day to take stock of the amazing and outstanding miracles that have entered your life, only to help offer a fresh start beyond the horizon. The new beginning may not always been to a place anticipated before hand. The path may not have lingered into something even wanted or realized it was desired. Paths lead us all into different directions so we can see the higher meaning once we do finally reach the destination originally desired, even though it sets off kilter once in a while.

We all live and learn from mistakes made or destructive situations that have made us all better people for it. We may have never learned the "right way" to pursue a dream or desire, yet had we never pursued any path to drive down in the first place, then we would feel "stuck" in the same position we were never to see the bright light intended for us.

I, myself, have been going through a tough time at this point in my life, as we all do. We feel like we are the only ones experiencing moments of hopelessness and frustration and a loss of guidance in the massive world of woes. I know remaining optimistic of opportunities I have yet to see are well worth the patience I've put forth already. I know remaining positive will have the pay off, even though it may seem dim right now. I have figured out to look at the miracles I have truly been blessed with in my past to push me towards the one that awaits.

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