Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Absolutely Anytime Affirmations for Abundance of Wealth

Affirmations are something that I repeat within my mind to remind myself how abundant I truly am and how fortunate I am to have the life I have today...and every day for that matter. I do this, because I used to take life for granted and I am also fortunate enough to be able to look back and admit this. 

I chose to change my life and that is why I have this blog…to share with others ways I have improved my life through simple changes; therefore, I share here today another way I am continuing to do so.

Absolutely Anytime Affirmations for Abundance of Wealth: Instilling into the Subconscious and Conscientious mind:

What you will need: (1 Item)
Magic Erasable Markers: Choose a 1-5 colors (100% your call)

A simple action you can take to have the affirmations you choose to use on a daily basis can be easily written almost on any surface using an erasable marker. 

I, for one, write mine on some of the mirrors in my home, such as:   
  • Bathroom 
  • Closet doors (mirrored) 
  • Front door (glass/window door)
  • Even on professional plastic folders I use for work. 
You can play with the concept, but I think you get the idea of the best types of surfaces to use this on

A mentor of mine used to put detailed affirmations onto his computer with sticky notes, as well as customized a few to use as a screen saver. Again, whichever floats your boat…if it’s something that works, then go with the flow to keep your affirmations going strong and smoothly throughout the day.

My Top 10: “Absolutely Anytime Affirmations for Abundant Wealth:

1.    I expect miracles everyday for my abundance of wealth to occur
2.    I have an abundance of wealth, perfect health, and good fortune, because I’m 100% deserving
3.    I’m showered and blessed with financial abundance (and stability)
4.    My Clients (Customers, Patients, Employer..etc) love to give me money
5.    The abundance of wealth increases in my life year after year
6.    I create value in my Clients’ lives which gives me endless financial wealth abundantly
7.    I find the value of abundance of wealth that surrounds me as it increases each day
8.    I am showered with wealth from all I create out of the love I give, offer, and receive from the Universe
9.    I am forever open and welcome the wealth of financial abundance the Universe gives to me
10. I am open and worthy to receiving and giving an endless supply of gifts that abundance bestows upon me

(Please note: Items in ( ) are optional to add a little more to the affirmation or to fit the best descriptive word.)

Again, you will or can, have in mind some affirmations you would like to use here for your everyday life or may even think of a few that better suit your desires for abundant wealth and financial stability to enter your life.
Remember, you must believe in what you say with each affirmation you perform on a day-to-day basis. 

Know that what you say aloud or within your mind that you also must feel this deep within your heart as well. This works for those who believe the power of “Laws of Attraction”. 

It is possible to get what you give and receive back whatever you put out there. This is putting you out there in positive ways physically, mentally and emotionally. If you are simply stating affirmations for a sense of hope to gain wealth overnight, then this is not the route to take.

Everything we do in life is a process. Processes can be slow and rewarding, fast and painless, or slow and painful. You choose the most rewarding, beneficial pace that, in the end, has the potential to offer you the result you are worthy of and deserve. 

You deserve only the best; therefore, put your best foot forward and give your all, no matter how small the steps may be.

Graphic Designs In This Post Are Both Created, Designed, and Copy-written by: Mandy Zadoorian  

Below: Products to purchase from the links and/or pictures shown for each item...all related to Abundance of Wealth

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Liberty said...

WOW!!! I'm inspired! :) Found you through your Blog Frog Discussion. :))

Crafty Cat said...

This looks like a very therapeutic outlet for you. Blogs changed everything huh? LOL. Stopping over from Thanks for visiting us.

Melanie Mueller said...

Thanks for following my blog. I am a follower of yours now too. You share lots of great and inspiring information. Awesome!!!

Angela said...

I took a Reiki class this weekend and there are 5 affirmations we are suppose to begin to use. They are different from what you are sharing here in content and intent, but it peaks my interest in what you are saying for me to have a similar frame of reference so close to hand ;). These all start with "Just for Today, I sill live the attitude of gratitude, I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work honestly, and I will show love and respect for every living thing including myself. You given me some others to work on as well. Thanks for the visit too. Will talk to you soon! Angela

Cori said...

That's great that you are using your blog to help change you!! Good for you!

Stopping by to say thank you for following my blog, and am now following yours!

Anonymous said...

There is definitely something to be said for positive thinking. Nice to "meet" you and see you around the blogfrog. :-)

Father Time said...

Fantastic as usual! Your writing just keeps getting better and better! Bravo!

You help people without even knowing it!