Whooping cough affects infants, adolescents, and adults and per the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) recommend individuals at the ages of 11-64 proceed with the vaccine, Tdap that helps prevent pertussis. Families or individuals most recommended to get this are also those working in the health care field, around an infant, and parents in general if this vaccine has not yet been given yet.
Unfortunately, whooping cough can cause cold-like symptoms resulting in a cough that can take weeks or months to resolve.
It is mainly spread by those clueless they even have whooping cough. This can be spread by simply sneezing or coughing.
In infants, the pertussis vaccine (for whooping cough), called DTaP (for diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), is typically given in five doses. The first four shots are given during a baby’s first year and a half of life: at 2, 4, 6, and 15 to 18 months.
Please talk to your child or infant's pediatrician about your infant or child for concerns or questions regarding their vaccination or further ways they may have to continue prevention techniques to use, such as washing hands often.
Let's improve our health and those of our children and those we love from whooping cough by learning more about the Tdap vaccination.
Below is a great resource to check out!
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I had whooping cough and it was horrible! I have never been so weak and sick in my life!
I had whooping cough last year and it was horrible! I have never been so weak and sick in my life. Mine lasted a very long time!
I am really glad I saw this post today! I was only given 1 of the 2 doses of the pertussis vaccine as a baby, because I reacted to it. Reminds me I need to talk to my Munchkin's pediatrician, to find out when he had had all of the pertussis vaccinations, and is protected.
Thanks for the post! I am a 110% supported of vaccines!
Hi Mandy,
Just bouncing over from blogfrog to have a look at things here. I like what I am seeing so far. it's nice to 'meet' you.
Hi Mandy,
I'mover here from another BF community and I must say Ilove your blog and wish that I had found it sooner. I look forward to continuig to read.
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Nice to meet y'all! Thanks again for coming over and see you all again real soon! Hope you're having a Very Happy New Year thus far!!!!
Mandy - thank you for your kind words and following my blog - I'm glad we're friends!
You have a great blog ... see you online. :) God bless!
Like others, I'm visiting from BlogFrog! Thanks for the comment on my blog... looking forward to reading more of yours! :)
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My family had whooping cough a few years ago and it is AWFUL....I'm all for the vaccines!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following yours!!
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